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Bowe Berghdahl

Bowe Berghdahl
Bowe Bergdahl was raised in the southern US, and doesn't want to go anywhere else.

Alabama institutes public stoning in bid to outdo Louisiana Ten Commandments...

Victims of the new public stoning law include women accused of adultery, women who get abortions, and generally any women who talks back to a man in public.

Kristi Noem calls for national ‘Shoot Your Dog Day’

Observers are worried some will take the move as a license to shoot 'yappy pieces of shit' in their neighborhoods, rather than limiting the slayings to their own dogs.

God says eclipse bisecting America is no accident: reports

Religious leaders across the United States are reporting receiving messages directly from God, via dreams and texts and whispering holy books. It doesn't sound good.

Alabama courts say amputated limbs have rights

The amputated limbs ruling comes fresh after the same court ruled that frozen embryos are considered children.